so anyways Bubbah has had a really bad chesty cough for a week that started when we all came down with the flu. I though it best to get checked out as it was starting to sound nasty. We all suffer a DR phobia here in this house, so for Bubbah it was a moment of facing her fear. Luckily we were blessed with a really lovely DR who was just great with her.
It turns out that her cough hasn't turned into a chest infection or anything worse, but as she was running a temp and complaining of ear ache we decided that the best course of treatment would be antibiotics.
She has had one dose so far today and I am hoping she starts improving in a few days.
Whilst we were seeing the DR he asked how Sissy was doing, I mentioned that she had been complaining of a sore throat on and off for days, so he was kind enough to have a quick look. He said all is well with her and if she is uncomfortable with her throat, to give her throat lozengers.
Me? Well I just can't stop sneezing. My allergies are driving me absolutely insane!! I will live though,I just like to bitch sometimes.
Today is day 1 of my Your Family Your Money 30 day Challenge. I am super psyched. For a details recount on the days challenge tasks, stop by Mercy's World.
Uni has been a constant thought. I am trying not to think about things right now, at least not until my "official" face to face meeting with them next Monday, because I have a habit of talking myself out of major life decisions. I vary between absolute excitement and optimism to complete question and doubt. I am complicated that way, although having really tried to pin point why I do this, I think I have found an answer. For me, I go through my days on auto pilot. I do what what I have always done and I get what I have always got. Anything that means I have to fly without auto pilot has me in fits of fear - usually over the unknown, I like to know every single detail :)
For the most part, I want to start living without the auto pilot day to day, but my head always ends up talking me out of what my heart wants. It's easier to drag yourself through each day on auto pilot than it is to actually live life, however as long as all goes well at this meeting, and I am able to finance it, I WILL NOT let myself talk myself out of it... LOL.
Yes.... far too complicated.
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