Our internet went down yesterday at lunch time, and after 10 minutes on hold and another 10 minutes talking to a heavy accented tech support person who insisted I had to check my computer settings and everything else but listen, found out that it was a city wide outage. It was not fixed until early this morning.
I was surprised though, about how much I rely on the computer. 3 times yesterday I though to myself, I'll just google that and find out what it is. One example..... So my sewing machine doesn't get used much, but my youngest had asked me to make her baby doll a pillow and blanket. I thought no worries, I can do that. I finish and stuff a pretty pillow, and start on the blanket but all off a sudden my sewing machine starts going 100 miles an hour by itself and wont stop, the only way to stop it was cutting the power completely. I soon discovered, when I shook the foot pedal something was loose.
Being the handy mum I think I am, I proceeded to pull the cover off the foot pedal and look at what was wrong inside. There was something obviously wrong for sure, it was quite clear.
So now, sitting at my desk, sewing machine foot pedal in half in front of me, tiny pieces that had all come apart to operate the speed laid out in front of me..... now to just google for a picture of how these pieces are meant to go back together right?...... WRONG! No internet.... didn't I feel like a wally!!
I also google actors a lot. You know when you are watching a movie or tv program and you think to yourself I know that person, who the heck are they? What was that other thing I saw them in? Well that drives me completely bonkers, so I google it sooner rather than later so I can say "oh yeah now I remember" and move on with my day. Yes, I admit I am a little OCD sometimes :)
And the news! I read the local newspaper online every morning, and the national news 3 times a day. It's my routine, it's how I feel like I know all that is going on in the World. It's comfort of information. Yeah, I missed my internet access yesterday....
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