2 highly productive days in a row, I am super proud of myself, and have checked another item off my 101 in 1001 list! The 3 of us had eye checks today, my 4 year olds eyes are perfectly healthy and she is in no need for glasses. News wasn't as good for my 8 year old, she needs to continue with the patching as there was no significant change. The bonus was I didn't have to pay for new lenses again. Her next check up is in 6 months, after some hard core eye patching to get her lazy eye to work a bit more and hopefully improve some. Her bad eye really is in bad shape.
Me.... well I need glasses :) I am not surprised as I know my eyesight has deteriorated in the past 3 years, so much so it was quite noticeable. At least now, with new glasses my headaches should ease some.
Dentist appointments for the kids are scheduled for booking next week, and I have put myself on the dentist waiting list *gasp!* *shock!* yes, I am kinda wondering what the hell myself!
We have also checked out the new GP Super Clinic that has opened, and taking baby steps I will eventually start getting myself fixed too. 'Bout time I got my cyst a.k.a "the horn" removed and this pain managed.
I got a little ticked off I will admit, turns out I am eligible for a N.T Pensioners Card, being a single Mama and all. It gives me discounts on Electricity, Drivers Licence and Car Registration renewal, Glasses and more. I get cranky because it has been available to me for 3 years but no one told me. I had no idea this card even existed until now. How many other struggling single parents don't know about this?! To know there are others like me struggling with no idea what help there is out there for them. That part really sucks.
Tomorrow morning our kitten goes in to be desexed. It will be a load off once its done, goodness knows I don't want kittens to deal with, so she has been locked inside with us all day and night. She wants to go outside, so we have had to listen to the incessant meows she so kindly shares for hours on end. I will be glad to fix that and to get rid of this god awful little tray. I.HATE.LITTER.TRAYS!! They are messy, smelly and down right ugly. Will be so happy when she can go outside for bathroom breaks.
Feeling pretty darn productive and efficient today, yay for 2 days in a row!!
P.S left another message at the Uni today, still haven't heard back. Totally sucks when you are trying to better yourself and incompetent people cant do so much as return a phone call. A trip down there face to face tomorrow may be needed......
P.P.S the diet is woeful. Not happening at all, I need to do something about that real soon before I gain another 20lbs!
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