Monday, July 4, 2011

Blowing a Gasket

My anger must be at 11 on the 1-10 scale right now.

All I want to do is update my details with Centrelink and it is damn near impossible! I can't do it online, and now because of greedy dumbasses I cant get through on the damn phone.  I mean seriously, I have been redialling for half an hour.

It's basic really. I just want to notify them I am no longer working, I am trying to do the right thing so I dont get over paid, or as I usually am, under paid. I am so sick of feeling like I am wrong and bad and naughty when it comes to Centrelink. They wont even let me update my new address online, I have to spend an hour on the phone on hold just to do that one basic, innocent thing.

I have always followed the rules, I have always done the right thing, and yet they make you feel like a lying criminal when all you want to do is update your details and follow their damn rules.

I have had nothing but issues with them, and now I can't even get on the phone because everyone wants their free money for nothing. This lump sum bonus is ridiculous, if you get it you get it, if you don't so what, you didnt earn it. According to facebook comments its not going towards the kids anyway, I have seen the shopping lists they hold for a new couch, a new computer, a holiday AWAY from the children. Not one comment stated that the money given freely to them FOR their children was actually going TO the children. So now these greedy people are tying up the phone line because they are demanding to know when they get this lump sum payment in their greedy little hands.

So FED UP!!!

(Finally got through whilst typing this post, now I have been on hold 10.56 minutes and counting)

End of Rant :)


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